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Privacy Policy

Your privacy is of paramount importance to us. The following Privacy Policy outlines our commitment to protecting your personal data when you interact with our services. This document provides insights into:
The party responsible for your personal data and methods to contact them.
The nature of data we collect about you and the means of acquisition.
The intentions behind the usage of your personal data.
Our approach to data storage and safeguarding measures.
Data disclosure to third-party entities.
Cross-border and international organization data transfers.
Your rights and the avenues to enforce them.
1. Data Controller & Contact Information
BGC or (referred to herein as "we", "us", "our Company", or "Controller"), headquartered at Aquilino de la Guardia Street, Building Ocean Business Plaza, Floor 23, Suite 2301, Panama City, Panama, Business ID: 155739220, is the designated entity in control of your personal data. For matters relating to data processing, reach out to us at the aforementioned address or drop an email at [email protected]
2. Data Collection: Nature and Methods
Within this section, we elucidate the specific personal data we amass and the channels through which it's obtained. Section 3 offers a comprehensive insight into the purpose of such data processing. The term "personal data" encompasses any information that either directly or indirectly allows for your identification or has relevance to you.
Direct Acquisition: The majority of data we gather stems directly from your interactions with our services, notably:
Self-provided Data: During processes like website registration, user account modification, service subscription, event participation, or communications via customer support and social platforms. This encompasses identification and contact details like name, address, email, phone number, birth date, username, and password. For entrepreneurs, business ID or tax registration number may also be required. Payment-related information like bank details and other miscellaneous data like communication records or warranty claims may also be collected.
Automatically Collected Data: This includes device-specific data (IP address, device type, OS, browser specifications, service provider) and usage information (site visit details, account activity, fictitious capital values, business strategy).
Third-party Provision: Certain data is procured indirectly through third-party platforms you've opted for, including:
Trading Platforms: Data related to simulated transactions (financial instrument type, transaction timings, investment sum, profit/loss) and social media details (if your social media accounts are linked to our platform). The latter might consist of username, profile picture, and the linked email address. To gain insight into how these third-party platforms manage your data for their individual purposes, we recommend reviewing their respective privacy policies.

3.1. Account Creation and Management To provide you access to our services, you're required to register on our platform, leading to the creation of an account.
Data Involved: Primarily identification and contact details; potentially your user account settings.
Legal Basis: Necessary for contract execution. Without this data, we cannot establish or maintain your account.
3.2. Service Delivery and Contractual Obligations To ensure optimal delivery of our services, which includes granting access, tools, support, and trading functionalities, we process your data.
Data Involved: Identification, contact details, payment data (for premium services), service usage statistics, simulated trading data, and social network data (if integrated).
Legal Basis: Contract execution or legitimate interest. Even after service termination, we retain certain data for a limited duration, safeguarding our legitimate rights and interests.
3.3. Marketing Outreach For our valued existing or past customers, we occasionally send marketing updates about our services and relevant events.
Data Involved: Identification and contact details.
Legal Basis: Our legitimate interest in maintaining consistent communication with our clientele. Additionally, with explicit consent, we'll process your data for marketing engagements.
3.4. Customer Interaction and Support Should you reach out to our support services, be assured your data is processed with utmost confidentiality.
Data Involved: Identification, contact details, and potential social network data if contact is established there.
Legal Basis: Legitimate interest, mainly ensuring customer satisfaction and enhancing our service experience.
3.5. Service Enhancement To continuously refine our offerings, your data is processed for developmental, testing, and security improvements.
Data Involved: Identification, contact details, device details, website interactions, service usage statistics, and simulated trading data.
Legal Basis: Our inherent interest in elevating our services to suit your needs.
3.6. Analytical Insights We analyze user interactions to better understand service consumption patterns and preferences.
Data Involved: Identification, contact, payment data, device specifics, website activities, service usage, and simulated trading actions.
Legal Basis: Legitimate interest in understanding user behavior and predicting user inclinations.
4.1. Data Storage We maintain your personal details in a securely encrypted database across computers and other pertinent devices.
4.2. Data Security Our commitment to your privacy means we've instituted stringent organizational and technological measures to ward off unauthorized access, modifications, disclosures, or eradications of the data we gather and manage. We diligently uphold these safeguards to ensure the utmost data protection.
Your personal data is retained as long as necessary to serve the purposes listed or as mandated by law. Subsequent to these durations, the data will either be deleted or anonymized. Specific retention periods include:
Retaining data related to contracts, complaints, damages, or litigations for up to 10 years following the last contract's conclusion.
Sending non-consensual business communications is limited to 5 years post the last contract's end, or until you unsubscribe or object.
Data used to refine our services is held for up to 6 months.
Legal obligations may require data retention for durations outlined in the corresponding laws (e.g., tax laws may necessitate a 10-year retention following a pertinent order's documentation).
For consensual processes, the timeframe you agreed upon will be upheld.
6.1. Sharing with Service Partners Your data may be shared with:
The trading platform provider for simulated trades.
Other third parties aiding our service provision, such as hosting providers, IT firms, financial institutions, and marketing agencies.
Entities which you grant consent for sharing, or where law or a binding decision necessitates.
Each involved party must contractually commit to safeguarding and exclusively processing data per our directives.
6.2. Controller-Driven Third-Party Collection Some third parties may collect data for their internal purposes. Their data handling rules would then apply.
You may assert your rights by contacting us at [email protected] or using the contact details from Section 1. While there's no prescribed format, please provide clarity in your request.
7.1. Access: You can request to know if we're processing your data, and if so, obtain further details. 7.2. Rectification: Rectify inaccuracies in your data, or modify them via your online account. 7.3. Erasure: Request deletion of your data under specific circumstances, unless legally necessary. 7.4. Processing Restriction: Restrict processing under Article 18 of the GDPR. 7.5. Data Portability: Obtain and transfer your data in a structured, machine-readable format. 7.6. Objection: Oppose data processing based on our interests, or for direct marketing. 7.7. Consent Withdrawal: Revoke your processing consent at any point, without affecting past lawful processing. 7.8. Automated Decisions & Profiling: Except for contractual needs or with your consent, oppose decisions based solely on automated processing. 7.9. Complaint: If you sense non-compliance, approach the relevant data protection authority.
We reserve the right to modify this policy unilaterally, ensuring it's essential and beneficial. Any alterations will be communicated, and the latest version will always be accessible in your Client Section.



Barghouti Group Teknoloji Diş Ticaret Ltd Şirketi Regstration No: is 149899-5

Aboud Tech Holds Ltd IBC No: 240755

© 2024 BGCrypto, Inc.