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BGC Terms of Use


  These are the terms and conditions for using BGC's services. Make sure you understand and agree before using our services.
  The term “BGC” represents DBA (doing business as) “” along with any challenge on our website as well as the “company” that runs it.

1. Basics

1.1. This document tells you the rules when using BGC Global's services. Our main office is in Istanbul, Turkey.
1.2. Once you start using our services or sign up on our website, you're agreeing to these terms.
1.3. Our services are for people over 18 and only in certain countries. Don't use our services if you're under 18 or in a restricted country.
1.4. If you're from certain places or have had legal issues in the past, we might not let you use our services.
1.5. We provide simulation tools for trading, training, and other resources.
1.6. We don't give investment advice. Anything said by our employees isn't advice either.
1.7. We protect your personal data as per our Privacy Policy. 

2. How to Use Our Services

2.1. Sign up on our website to start. After that, we'll send you login details.
2.2. We offer different types of services, like a free trial.
2.3. When signing up or updating your account, always provide true and current information.
2.4. If you sign up as a business, remember that consumer protection laws might not apply to you.
2.5. The fee for our BGC Challenge depends on the features you choose. Check our website for pricing details.
2.6. Payments and Refunds Once you pay for the BGC Challenge, you can't get a refund. This includes if you quit, fail the challenge, or break our rules.
2.7. Disputing Fees If you wrongly dispute a fee with your bank, we will stop offering you any services. And blacklist your IP and MAC address.
2.8. Challenge Choices Your choices in the BGC Challenge will also apply to the Verification. You can't change your choice once selected. But if you're starting a new challenge, you're free to pick again.
2.9. Changing Fees and Services We can change our prices or service details any time. But changes won't affect any services you've already bought.
2.10. Ordering and Confirmations You finalize your order when you submit the order form. For the BGC Challenge, your order is complete when you've paid. We'll send an email to confirm. Contracts are in English and are stored electronically, but we won't let you access them later.
2.11. Trading Platforms Different groups run our trading platforms, and they have their own rules and privacy policies. Make sure you read and understand them before ordering.
2.12. Excessive Ordering If you're ordering too much in a short time, we might send a warning. If you keep it up, we might stop your orders. If we think you're breaking our trading rules, we'll take appropriate actions. We'll decide what counts as "too much" or "too quickly."


3.1. BGC Challenge fees are priced in US dollars, but you can choose other currencies available on our Website. If you opt for a different currency, we'll convert the US dollar price at our rates, showing the exact amount you'll pay. If you pay in a different currency than selected, we'll use the current exchange rates at payment time.
3.2. The prices you see already include all taxes. Business users must handle their tax obligations related to our Services according to the law. If required, they should pay any related taxes or fees promptly.
3.3. You can pay for the BGC Challenge using a credit card, bank transfer, or any other method we currently support on our Website.
3.4. If you pay with a card or other instant methods, the payment is immediate. For bank transfers, we'll send a digital proforma invoice with the fee for your chosen BGC Challenge. Make sure to pay within the given timeframe. Your fee is registered once we get the full amount. If we don't get your payment on time, we might cancel your order. Any transaction fees charged by your payment provider are your responsibility, ensuring we receive the full fee for the BGC Challenge.


4.1. Each customer can have only one Client Section, and it must contain all their Services.
4.2. There might be limits to the number of BGC Challenges and Verifications in one Client Section, based on the total starting capital or other factors. Without our specific approval, you can't transfer starting capital between different products or combine them. Similarly, you can't move or mix your performance, Service details, or any other data between different products.
4.3. Your Client Section and Trading Platform access are secured by login credentials. These shouldn't be shared with anyone. For those registering as businesses, only designated employees and reps can use the Services. Any activity on your Client Section or Trading Platform is your responsibility. The Provider won't be liable for misuse due to your actions and won't compensate for any negative outcomes arising from such misuse.
4.4. Understandably, our Services might not be available 24/7 due to maintenance, updates, or other reasons. The Provider isn't liable for any downtime of the Client Section or Trading Platform. Likewise, we won't compensate for lost or damaged data you've uploaded, transferred, or stored.
4.5. To cancel your Client Section, email [email protected] This acts as a contract termination request from your side. Upon confirmation, you can't use our Services, including the Client Section and Trading Platform. There's no refund for previously paid fees or incurred costs.


5.1. While demo trading, you can execute transactions unless they're prohibited trading strategies, as mentioned in 5.4. Maintain good market standards and adhere to risk management and other guidelines. Be aware of the Trading Platform's specific conditions.
5.2. Be aware that the Provider can view your demo trades. You also allow the Provider to share this data with its affiliated groups. This sharing might be automated, without needing further permissions from you. You won't be compensated for the Provider's use of this data. Remember, your demo trading doesn't constitute investment advice for the Provider. Feel free to stop your demo trading anytime.
5.3. The Provider isn't responsible for any information shown on the Trading Platform or any interruptions, delays, or inaccuracies in the market data showcased in your Client Section.
5.4.1. During your demo trading, you must not:
(a) Exploit errors in our Services, including price display errors or delays in their update, intentionally or unintentionally. (b) Use an outdated or slow data feed for trading. (c) Alone or with others, manipulate trading by entering opposite positions, especially across connected accounts or various BGC entities. (d) Trade contrary to our and the Trading Platform's Terms and Conditions. (e) Use software, AI, ultra-fast trading, or mass data entry that can manipulate or misuse our systems, or give you an unfair advantage. (f) Perform gap trading: (i) during significant global events, macroeconomic shifts, or corporate reports that can influence the related financial market. (ii) within 2 hours before the related financial market closes for 2 hours or more. (g) Trade contrary to standard practices in the crypto, Forex or other financial markets, or in ways that risk financial or other harm to the Provider, such as overleveraging.
5.4.2. Our Services are solely for your use. Only you can access your BGC Challenge and Verification accounts and execute trades. Hence, you mustn't: (a) Let any third party, professional or not, access or trade on your accounts. (b) Access others' BGC accounts, trade on their behalf, or offer account management services. Violation of these rules will be treated as Forbidden Trading Practices, resulting in consequences detailed in this GTC.
5.4.3. Also, avoid exploiting our Services by trading without adhering to market-standard risk management rules. This includes irregularly large position sizes or an unusual number of positions compared to your typical trading pattern, whether on this or any other of your accounts.
The Provider exclusively determines what constitutes Forbidden Trading Practices.
5.5. Should you indulge in Forbidden Trading Practices, the Provider can: (i) See it as a failure to meet the conditions of a specific BGC Challenge or Verification. (ii) Remove the violating transactions from your trading history or exclude their results from demo trading gains/losses. (iii) Cancel all Services you're using and terminate our contract immediately. (iv) Limit the leverage on products to 1:5 for any or all of your accounts.
5.6. Should Forbidden Trading Practices be observed across one or multiple BGC Challenge and Verification accounts, whether these belong to one or several Customers, or if they are combined across BGC Trader accounts, the Provider is entitled to:
(a) Cancel all Services, (b) Terminate related contracts associated with any of the aforementioned accounts, (c) Apply measures mentioned in Clause 5.5.
The Provider retains the right to execute any combination of the actions mentioned in Clauses 5.5 and 5.6 based on their judgment.
5.7. Involvement of any BGC Trader accounts in Forbidden Trading Practices can be deemed a violation of the terms and conditions. Such a breach might result in the third-party provider terminating the respective agreements and closing the offending accounts.
5.8. If a Customer repeatedly indulges in practices listed under clause 5.4, especially after a prior notice by the Provider, the Provider has the right to block the Customer's access to various Services, including the Client Section and Trading Platform. No compensation will be granted, and the fees previously paid will not be refunded.
5.9. The Provider isn’t liable for trading or investment activities the Customer undertakes outside their relationship with the Provider. This includes activities utilizing data from the Client Section or Trading Platform, even if the same platform is employed for demo and real trading.
5.10. Financial markets are dynamic and unpredictable. Trading can be unprofitable and result in substantial losses. Past performance and profits from demo trading do not predict or guarantee future results.


6.1. Once the Customer pays the fee for their chosen BGC Challenge option, they will receive login details for the Trading Platform either via email or the Client Section. The BGC Challenge is activated when the Customer initiates their first demo trade. By commencing this first trade, you are explicitly requesting the Provider to render the full Services. For consumers, this means the Services will be completed before any potential withdrawal period, impacting your withdrawal rights as further explained in Clause 12. If the BGC Challenge isn't activated within 30 days from its provision, access will be halted. Renewal can be requested through the Client Section or by contacting [email protected] within six months from the suspension. After this period, Services will be terminated without a refund.
6.2. Meeting the BGC Challenge's conditions requires the Customer to simultaneously adhere to the following:
6.2.1. Initiate at least one demo trade on four distinct calendar days. 6.2.2. On no day during the BGC Challenge should the Customer record a loss from any demo trade, opened and closed that same day, exceeding a percentage of the starting capital detailed as:

BGC Challenge: 5% of the initial capital

BGC Challenge Aggressive: 10% of the initial capital

BGC Challenge Swing: 5% of the initial capital

6.2.3. During the BGC Challenge, at no point should the Customer have a loss from any opened and then closed demo trades that surpass the percentage of the starting capital for their selected option, detailed as:

BGC Challenge: 10% of the initial capital

BGC Challenge Aggressive: 20% of the initial capital

BGC Challenge Swing: 10% of the initial capital

6.2.4. The Customer should be in an overall profit from all closed demo trades that equals or surpasses the percentage of the starting capital for their chosen option:

BGC Challenge: 20% of the initial capital

BGC Challenge Aggressive: 20% of the initial capital

BGC Challenge Swing: 10% of the initial capital

6.2.5 BGC has the right to change these percentages at any time without providing notice.
Detailed explanations for the above parameters can be found on the Website.
6.3. If the Customer fulfills the BGC Challenge's criteria, as outlined in clause 6.2, without contravening the General Terms and Conditions, especially the demo trading rules under clause 5.4, the Provider will recognize the BGC Challenge as successful. The Provider will then offer the Verification, free of charge, by dispatching the login details to the Customer's email or through the Client Section. The BGC Challenge won't be reviewed by the Provider if all trades haven't been closed by the Customer.
6.4. The Customer can activate the Verification by commencing the first demo trade within the Trading Platform. If the Verification isn't activated within 30 days since receiving the new login data, access will be paused. Renewal of access can be requested by the Customer through the Client Section or by reaching out [email protected] within a six-month period post-suspension. Failing to do so will result in the cessation of Services, with no right for a refund.
6.5. For successful Verification, the Customer must simultaneously meet the following criteria:
6.5.1. During Verification, at least one demo trade must be initiated on a minimum of four separate calendar days.
6.5.2. On no day throughout the Verification process should the Customer record a loss from any demo trades, both opened and closed on that day, which goes beyond the percentage of the initial capital for their selected option:

Verification: 10% of the initial capital

Verification Aggressive: 10% of the initial capital

Verification Swing: 5% of the initial capital

6.5.3. Throughout the Verification process, the Customer must not report a loss, from the cumulative opened and closed demo trades, that surpasses the percentage of the initial capital for their selected option, as detailed below:

Verification: 10% of the initial capital

Verification Aggressive: 10% of the initial capital

Verification Swing: 10% of the initial capital

6.5.4. The Customer should be in an overall profit from all closed demo trades that equals or surpasses the percentage of the starting capital for their chosen option:

Verification: 10% of the initial capital

Verification Aggressive: 10% of the initial capital

Verification Swing: 5% of the initial capital

Further details and explanations regarding the above parameters can be found on the Website.
6.6. For successful Verification, the Customer must adhere to the following:
6.6.1. The conditions outlined in clause 6.5 must be met by the Customer.
6.6.2. The General Terms and Conditions should not be violated by the Customer, especially the demo trading rules mentioned in clause 5.4.
6.6.3. The maximum total capital allocation of USD 35,000 must not be surpassed by the Customer. This applies both individually or in tandem, per Customer or for each trading strategy, in accordance with the applicable BGC Trader Program agreement, should the Customer already be a participant of the BGC Trader Program.
Upon meeting the above conditions, the Provider will recognize the Verification as successful and will propose the Customer as a potential candidate for the BGC Trader Program. The Provider does not have the obligation to review the Verification if all transactions aren't closed by the Customer.
6.7. If, during the BGC Challenge, the Customer fails to adhere to the conditions mentioned in either clause 6.2.2. or 6.2.3., the BGC Challenge will be deemed unsuccessful. The Customer will then not qualify for the subsequent Verification. Similarly, if during Verification the Customer breaches any of the conditions stipulated in clause 6.5.2. or 6.5.3., the Verification will be considered unsuccessful. As a consequence, the Customer won't be suggested as a candidate for the BGC Trader program. In such scenarios, the Customer's account and Services will be terminated with no refund of the previously paid fees.
6.8. A recommendation by the Provider for the Customer to join the BGC Trader Program doesn't guarantee the Customer's admission into the program. The Provider isn't liable if the Customer gets rejected from the BGC Trader Program, regardless of the reason. 


7.1. Upon successful completion of both the Challenge and Verification stages, a Customer may be approached with an offer to participate in the BGC Trader Program. This offer is solely at the discretion of a third-party company.
7.2. Any contractual terms, conditions, or obligations arising from such an offer are strictly between the Customer and the third-party company. BGC disclaims any involvement or liability related to the contractual terms or agreements made between the third-party company and the Customer.
7.3. The Customer hereby acknowledges and consents to the possibility of their personal data being shared with the third-party company for the specific purpose of potential contract offerings.


8.1. Content Ownership and Usage Rights: The entire Content of the Website and Services—including the Client Section, visual elements, multimedia assets, and all other content aspects—are protected under applicable copyright laws and regulations. Such Content is the proprietary property of the Provider or its licensors. While the Provider offers a restricted, non-exclusive, revocable license to use the Content for personal purposes in line with the intended service provision, it remains the Provider's or its licensor's property and is not subject to sale or transfer to the Customer.
8.2. Branding: All trademarks, logos, and trade names present on the Website or within Services are the exclusive property of the Provider or its licensors. The Provider provides no implicit or explicit permission to use such brand elements.
8.3. Ethical Commitment: Both the Customer and the Provider pledge to operate based on principles of fairness, particularly during contractual performance or negotiations. It is imperative for both parties not to harm each other's reputation or legitimate interests. Any disputes or disagreements will be addressed in line with the stipulations of these GTC and relevant legal frameworks.
8.4. Usage Restrictions: Beyond the usage rights explicitly mentioned within these GTC, no additional rights related to the Services or Content are conferred upon the Customer. The Services and Content must be used strictly in compliance with these GTC.
8.5. Prohibited Actions: When interacting with the Services and Content, Customers are strictly forbidden from:
8.5.1. Employing tools or techniques that may negatively impact the Website's or Services' operations or exploit any vulnerabilities.
8.5.2. Bypassing geographical or technical restrictions.
8.5.3. Creating unauthorized copies or backups of the Website or Content.
8.5.4. Engaging in reverse engineering or any form of unauthorized Content modification.
8.5.5. Commercializing, broadcasting, or misusing the Services or Content in ways not expressly allowed.
8.5.6. Using automated tools or bots to access or harvest information from the Website or Services.
8.5.7. Using any methods or tools potentially harmful to the Provider.
8.6. Consumer Rights Protection: Nothing within clause 8 aims to limit or negate any consumer rights that are inalienably protected under applicable laws.


9.1. The Services, Website, and Content are provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis without any warranties of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement.
9.2. BGC  shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential or exemplary damages, including but not limited to, damages for loss of profits, goodwill, use, data or other intangible losses, resulting from: (i) the use or inability to use the Services; (ii) any unauthorized access to or use of the Customer’s data; (iii) any interruption or cessation of the Services; (iv) any bugs, viruses, or the like that may be transmitted through the Services; and (v) any other matter relating to the Services.
9.3. BGC makes no warranty that: (i) the Services will meet your requirements; (ii) the Services will be uninterrupted, timely, secure, or error-free; (iii) the results obtained from the use of the Services will be accurate or reliable; and (iv) any errors in the Services will be corrected.
9.4. Any material or data downloaded or otherwise obtained through the use of the Services is done at the Customer's discretion and risk, and the Customer will be solely responsible for any damage to their computer system or loss of data that results from the download or use of such material.
9.5. No advice or information, whether oral or written, obtained by the Customer from BGC or through the Services shall create any warranty not expressly stated in these GTC.


10.1. The Provider may terminate these GTC and the provision of Services if the Customer breaches any of its terms and conditions.
10.2. In case of termination, the Customer shall immediately cease all use of the Services, Website, and Content. Any clauses in these GTC that by their nature should survive termination shall continue in full force and effect, including but not limited to clauses on limitation of liability, indemnification, and intellectual property.
10.3. The Provider reserves the right to modify, suspend, or discontinue the Services, Website, or Content at any time, with or without notice, and BGC will not be liable to the Customer or any third party for any such modifications, suspension, or termination.


11.1. Communication Methods: All official communications from the Provider or its partners related to the Services will be conveyed either via the Client Section or the e-mail address registered by you. For the sake of clarity, any electronic communication facilitated through e-mail or the Client Section will be recognized as a written form of communication.
11.2. Provider's Contact Details: For any communication or inquiries directed at the Provider, you can reach out to us via our e-mail: [email protected] . Our physical correspondence address is Adnan Kahveci Yavuz Sultan Selim Blv Yesilkent 2 No 32:17 Beylikdüzü Istanbul 34250



Barghouti Group Teknoloji Diş Ticaret Ltd Şirketi Regstration No: is 149899-5

Aboud Tech Holds Ltd IBC No: 240755

© 2024 BGCrypto, Inc.